- Macbeth
- MacGruber
- The Machinist
- Mad Max: Fury Road
- Made in U.S.A.
- Madeline’s Madeline
- Mafioso
- Maggie’s Plan
- Magic Mike
- Magic Mike XXL
- Magic Mike’s Last Dance
- Magic Mountain
- The Maid
- Maidan
- Maison du Bonheur
- Malmkrog
- Mami Wata
- Mamma Mia!
- Mammoth
- A Man and a Camera
- The Man from London
- Man of Steel
- Man on Wire
- Manakamana
- Manchester by the Sea
- Manderlay
- Manhattan Murder Mystery
- The Many Saints of Newark
- Mao's Last Dancer
- Maps to the Stars
- Margot at the Wedding
- Maria Full of Grace
- Marie Antoinette
- Marriage Story
- Martha Marcy May Marlene
- Martin Eden
- The Master
- Matador
- Match Point
- The Matrix Resurrections
- Maxed Out
- MaXXXine
- May December
- maɬni — towards the ocean, towards the shore
- Me and Orson Welles
- Medicine for Melancholy
- Meek’s Cutoff
- The Meg
- Mekong Hotel
- Melancholia
- Memoirs of a Geisha
- Memoria
- Memories Look at Me
- Men
- Men, Women & Children
- Menus-Plaisirs Les Troisgros
- Mesrine
- The Messenger
- The Metamorphosis of Birds
- Metropolitan
- The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected)
- Mia madre
- Miami Vice
- Michael
- Mickey 17
- Micmacs
- Microbe and Gasoline
- Midnight in Paris
- Milk
- The Milk of Sorrow
- Million Dollar Baby
- Mimang
- Min Ye… (Tell Me Who You Are)
- Miracle at St. Anna
- Miral
- The Miseducation of Cameron Post
- Miss Bala
- Miss Julie
- Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day
- The Missing Person
- The Missing Picture
- Mission: Impossible—Ghost Protocol
- Mister Foe
- Mister Lonely
- Mistress America
- Misunderstood
- Mojave
- Moneyball
- The Moneychanger
- Mongol
- Monica
- Monrovia, Indiana
- Moolaadé
- Moon
- Moonlight
- Moonrise Kingdom
- Moscow, Belgium
- A Most Violent Year
- Mother
- Mother and Child
- The Mother of Tears
- Mother!
- Motherhood
- Motherless Brooklyn
- The Mountain
- Mountains May Depart
- Mr. Landsbergis
- Mr. Turner
- Much Ado About Nothing
- Mudbound
- The Mugger
- The Mule
- Munyurangabo
- Murina
- Museum Hours
- Music
- Must Read After My Death
- My Architect
- My Blueberry Nights
- My Brother Is an Only Child
- My Golden Days
- My Journey Through French Cinema
- My Joy
- My One and Only
- My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done
- My Week with Marilyn
- My Winnipeg
- Mysteries of Lisbon
- Mystic River