By Courtney Duckworth | November 26, 2018

Schnabel was already a respected artist at 28, the same age when van Gogh avowed himself to art after dabbling in madness and ministering, and a year older than Basquiat would ever live.

By Chris Wisniewski | November 23, 2018

The accomplishment of Roma is experiential. Its attention to sound, setting, and how bodies and things occupy space have the effect of radically aligning the viewer to a particular perspective that is fully located within the narrative world of the film.

By Demi Kampakis | November 21, 2018

The Favourite works in an idiosyncratic register that distills his austere and sometimes brutal gaze to darkly comic effect. Here, he reimagines the period piece as an acerbic battleground of wits, where no behavior, interaction, or pastime is too eccentric or primal.

By Jeff Reichert | November 19, 2018
At the Museum

Talal Derki remains close to this family, capturing meals, the children in bed or at play, men chatting before heading off to combat, rendered as normal as getting into a car for a morning commute.

By Nick Pinkerton | November 16, 2018

The Wild Boys is a supremely assured piece of craftsmanship, evincing an active creative engagement and ample imagination in every minute of its nearly two hour runtime.

By Jeff Reichert | November 8, 2018
At the Museum

In the films of Corneliu Porumboiu, seemingly insignificant details, questions, and disagreements ripple outward, like pebbles tossed into a still pond, until they become deep inquiries into history, language, and ethics.

By Violet Lucca | October 25, 2018

Just like the world we live in, where the inequalities between rich and poor and male and female only grow crueler and less escapable, the rage that undergirds Burning is instantly familiar.

By Matthew Eng | October 24, 2018

The crowning achievement of this drama is the game and invigorating performance of Regina Williams, from her flinty exasperation to her no-guff candor to her sly, self-protective sarcasm. Hers is a performance suffused with compassion yet devoid of cheap and easy sentiment.

By Daniel Witkin | October 23, 2018

Coming at a time dominated by talk of the bifurcation of the country, Monrovia, Indiana is an excavation of life in the other America. Its place within the career of Frederick Wiseman also works into this dichotomy . . .

By Sierra Pettengill | October 19, 2018

By calling attention to what images are projected and received, Ruth Beckermann reveals the process by which narratives can be made and unmade.

By Caroline Madden | October 17, 2018

Dano bends the contours of the coming-of-age drama by examining what is happening around his protagonist rather than to him.

By Nick Pinkerton | October 2, 2018

There is nothing metaphorical about the connection between a fractured China and one fractured family unit in A Family Tour. Attuned to the rhythms of often stilted conversations played out against the banal, sunny backdrop of public spaces in contemporary Taiwan, A Family Tour does not have much truck with symbols.

By Justin Stewart | September 21, 2018

It plays like a career recap of his greatest hits, sprinkled with new heroes, villains, random aged inserts of wholesome 1950s Americana or crumbling infrastructure, and freshly updated ironic soundtrack cues.

By Tayler Montague | September 14, 2018

Emancipating the image feels like a goal in Hale County, which loosely follows the lives of Daniel Collins and Quincy Bryant, ballplayers who are simply living and striving and working.