Our annual roundups, including lists of Top 10 films, 11 Offenses, and 2 Cents

January 6, 2006

No, It Ain’t Cool Award, Most Disappointing Movie Based on a TV Show, Most Punchable Movie, Trapped in the Closet Awards, Most Underrated Horror Flick, Most Underappreciated Performance, and more

January 4, 2006

Palindromes, Crash, King Kong, Wedding Crashers, 3-Iron, Walk the Line, Rumor Has It, The Brothers Grimm, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Domino, Transamerica

January 2, 2006

The New World, Kings and Queen, Caché, A History of Violence, 2046, L'intrus, Tropical Malady, The Squid and the Whale, Grizzly Man, Junebug

January 5, 2005

The WTF-is-he-talking-about? award, Best Audience Response to a Good Movie, Best Audience Response to a Bad Movie, Genre of the Year, Best Opening, Best Ending, Most Endings, and more

January 2, 2005

Before Sunset, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Dogville, Kill Bill Vol. 2, Goodbye Dragon Inn, The Village, Crimson Gold, Notre musique, Time of the Wolf, Twentynine Palms

January 12, 2004

Best Publicity Stunt, The “Oh, Just Grow Up” Award, Best Random Shakespeare Intrusion, Stupidest Movie of the Year, Worst Poster, Culture Slut Award, Best Re-issue, and more

January 4, 2004

Kill Bill Vol. 1, Lost in Translation, Mystic River, The Son, Spellbound, demonlover, Irreversible, Elephant, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Raising Victor Vargas